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Law firm marketing ideas to put in practice today

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law firm marketing ideas

Most lawyers don’t get new clients, and for that reason, no new files. This is normally because most attorneys fail at doing marketing research and try to connect with their potential clients. While traditional marketing techniques can apply for law firms, law firm marketing ideas that work, are the one focused exclusively in this niche. Also, don’t discourage digital marketing as this is currently the channel where most of your customers are. In this article, we will discuss about proven law firm marketing ideas for your business.

5 proven law firm marketing ideas that work

Idea #1 – Write a blog

If you’re not already doing it, content marketing is the main driver of traffic for law firm websites. If you don’t have a website, you can start your blog for free in WordPress is a proven platform for websites that works awesome as a law firm marketing strategy. Write about what you thing are your customers’ main doubts. Are you a bankruptcy lawyer? Write about bankruptcy cases in your state and how the law can affect businesses that take this measure.  Are you a divorce attorney? Write about prenupcial agreements or marriage law in your state. Or if you’re an immigration lawyer, write about visas and the paperwork needed to get them. The idea is to let your potential clients get some interesting information for free from you, and see how educated are you in the problem they’re having.

Idea #2 – Offer a free consultation

A great idea that can work, specially for general practice lawyers, is to offer free consultations on some subjects, specially tax or debt related. Try to keep these free consultations simple (you can even conduct them via Skype or similar), and dedicate at least 3 hours a day to do this consultations. Offer them a discount in your retainer fees for people that take the consultation, so they will feel more encouraged to become clients. Think that one of the most important law firm marketing ideas, specially for small firms, is to nourish those personal relationships.

Idea #3 – Accept payment for retainers online

Accept to have clients on retainer. This is a great way to get recurring income for your law firm and also a way to measure your marketing efforts. Also, it’s easier to get new clients for a small amount on a regular basis, than charging them huge fees. If you don’t want the headache of collecting retainers from your customers every month, try PayForm. You can create simple payment forms for each customers and set-up recurring payments in seconds, so you can charge them automatically, similar to Netflix. It’s easy and free to get started!.

Idea #4 – Have different retainer tiers

Not all your clients are the same, and specially in general practice law firms, it’s very easy to lose the focus on the message you want to convey. For this reason is also important that you have different retainer tiers, with clear services that include each one of them. To have this clear will also help you cater to the right audience and do some tweaking in how much are they willing to pay for your services. Most people don’t even have clarity when they are going to need your services, specially this type of services. For this reason you have to ve upfront an clear in this message.

Idea #5 – Have the right internet presence

When you’re a law firm, it’s easy to fall for most posts about law firm marketing ideas that say you should use all social media available to reach your audience. But the truth is, not all social media is right when we’re talking about a law firm. If you’re not doing it yet, pay on Google Adwords in some key terms. Try to think how your clients would think and try to make it serious. Your audience needs to see that you’re a serious law firm.

Also, if you can, try to do some remarketing. Remarketing is a great strategy to make your law firm look bigger than what it is. If you are, for example, a debt law firm, you can play a little bit with this serious tone (as you cater to a bigger audience, you can even accept retainers and post your prices online), but for most of them, try to keep things sober.

Idea #6 – Give a free ebook in exchange of email addresses

To write an ebook is one of the best law firm marketing ideas, specially if you give it for free.  Ask in exchange the person email address. To download this information, means that the client is really interested in the subject. Also, it helps you in educate them. An educated customer will be more prone to hire your services.


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