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PayForm Blog

While one-time purchases are the most common business model for most small businesses, subscriptions are gaining ground among entrepreneurs. But setting up a system to process recurring payments has always been a very complex task, involving development and code. This article will see how to use PayForm, a no-coding tool, to create checkout forms that […]

Do you want to accept Stripe payments on your website? Did you know that most payment processors have a fee associated with every transaction? in this article we are going to know how much does Stripe charge, and to see if this is a good fit for your business. Also, we’re going to see some […]

If you’re looking methods on how to sell your services online, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re going to show you a step by step guide on how to sell services online. Also, we’ll explore several ways you can make your service business highlight without spending a dime. Sell services online […]

Adding a subscription button to your website helps you in accepting regular payments to your website. This increases your business revenue and helps you retain customers. But, without coding skills, adding subscription features to your website can become a daunting task. In this article, we will to show you the easiest way to create subscription […]

You have created a great website, and you’re ready to start selling your service. In this tutorial we’re going to see how to embed Stripe form in your website using PayForm. This tool makes it easy to create forms that can be embedded in any website, that are fully compatible with Stripe payments. You will […]

Have you been struggling with building a subscription website? Even if you are a web design pro, subscription websites have several difficulties that regular websites don’t. In this article, we are going to talk about the challenges of building a subscription website. And also, we are going to see why PayForm is the best solution […]

AI video generation platforms are platforms that allow you to create videos using artificial intelligence. This type of platforms help content creators to lower their production costs. In this article, we will get to know some of the best ranked AI video generation platforms. What is an AI video generation platform? An AI video generation […]

If your church or faith-based organization is looking for a solution to accept church online donation, spread its message and reach its fundraising goals, PayForm can help. Our solution is fit for organizations of any type and size and offers your church the flexibility to accept payments in your own Stripe or PayPal account. In […]

If you ever needed to create a registration form for events, chances are you have used solutions like Google Forms. But did you know that with PayForm you can create registration forms that accept payments? In this article, we are going to explore how you can create beautiful registration forms for events using the payment […]

When you need to receive online payments for your products or services, PayPal probably becomes your first choice. But when looking for alternatives to online payment methods like PayPal, some options may seem daunting and complicated. In this article, we will see the best alternative to PayPal. And probably, why you can still use PayPal […]

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