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PayForm Blog

Do you have a website made in WooCommerce? You are just starting with your business? If you don’t have sales yet, you need a solution that allows you to simulate live sales notifications for WooCommerce. In this article, we are going to talk about SocialProof, the best widget available to accomplish this task. And, we […]

If you ever wanted to accept subscriptions on your website, chances are you’ve come across several solutions like Stripe. The problem is, you need tech knowledge to incorporate a subscription system. In this article, we’re going to explore the best way to create a subscription button for your website. We’ll use PayForm to avoid having […]

QR code payments have become ubiquitous in our post-pandemic world. Whether is for safety concerns or comfortability, the use of QR codes has become widespread enough to become a viable solution for your business. In this article, we are going to explore the alternatives that we have for accepting these types of payments and a […]

If you have been using Cash App, you have probably stumbled upon recurring Cash App scheduled payments and wondered if you can use them to accept recurring payments in your business, this article is for you. How feasible is it to use this option to accept subscriptions in my business? We are going to explore […]

If you are looking to accept donations every month in your nonprofit or social cause, chances are you’ve come across Stripe. But, to accept Stripe recurring donations, you need to make the integration of their gateway. In this article, we’re going to talk about PayForm, the best way to accept these types of donations on […]

When you are looking for a solution to accept donations in your non-profit or social cause, you’ve may have across Donorbox. But, Did you know there are better Donorbox alternatives available that you can start using today? In this article, we’re going to explore how PayForm is the best alternative to Donorbox and how it […]

If you have a website, but you need to add a checkout form to your page, choose between our incredible checkout form templates for businesses of all sizes. Create an amazing checkout experience using one of the templates we have selected for you and your business. Clean checkout form for payments and subscriptions These are […]

WooCommerce One Page Checkout is a plugin that allows you to embed a one-page checkout page in your WordPress-powered blog. But due to its shortcomings, it can still be cumbersome for a business that does require a simpler solution. In this article, we are going to talk about PayForm, and why it is indeed the […]

Accepting payments online for products or services is something that most companies have to do. And one of the most common ways of accepting these payments is Stripe. In this article, we are going to learn about what is a Stripe payment, and how we can accept them in our small business. What is a […]

Creating landing pages for your business is a very important step in your overall acquisition strategy. And accepting payments in these landing pages can provide your business with an amazing chance to increase your conversion rate. In this article, we are going to see the best tips to create a landing page with Stripe integration […]

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